Wednesday, January 13, 2010

InLane in the Membrrane

Maybe Al Davis isn't the crazy old man everyone thought he was.

In September 2008 when Davis gave an impromptu press conference to announce he fired yet another head coach by saying, "I didn't hire the person I thought I was hiring", Davis came off like some creepy old guy with greased back hair, wearing a track suit, who was arguing the price of Grape Nuts at a grocery store check-out stand.

To make things worse, Davis insisted that he was firing the coach with cause (something even Isaiah Thomas failed to accomplish with the Knicks). On the surface, it appeared as if Davis was picking on a then 33-year-old wunderkind who didn't look old enough to shave. But now it seems like Davis was onto something.

Because that same coach Davis axed some 16 months ago has proven himself to be a big-talking little shit. The name of the aforementioned coach - Lane Kiffin.

Yes, the same Lane Kiffin,who ditched the Tennesse Volunteers football program, following a mediocre 7-6 season. The same Lane Kiffin who has somehow now spun his daddy's status as a legendary defensive guru into three of the most high-profile head coaching positions in football. And the very same Lane Kiffin who is going to sink U$C football.

Kiffin's short stay in Knoxville will be best remembered for making meritless recruiting violations against Florida coach Urban Meyer, and for popping off about singing 'Rocky Top' all night long after the Vols beat Florida (Tennessee lost 23-13).

While it's understandable that Vols fans are outraged, and dissapointed by Kiffin's quick betrayal of their beloved football program, it's important to put things in perspective. Kiffin is like the girlfriend who you find out is cheating on you with some douchebag that reeks of Axe Body Spray, has a collection of Ed Hardy shirts and probably frosted his tips during the late 90's/early 2000's. Your self esteem is partially shot. But you quickly realize that you're better off without that skank in your life, constantly putting you at risk of contracting herpes.

Granted, head football coach at U$C is arguably one of the top jobs in college football. Regardless, it's not like Tennessee is the Tila Tequila of college football. And to leave a school after just one year shows an utter disregard for the 70 plus young men Kiffin inherited and recruited at Tennessee.

Kiffin replaces Pete Carroll - someone who compiled one of the all-time great decade long runs in college football history. Carrol is an icon in U$C lore.

Ask yourself this - who replaced John Wooden at UCLA? Who took over for Bear Bryant at Alabama?

Chances are Kiffin becomes a trivia question like Gene Bartow and Ray Perkins.

And it will be well deserved.

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