Friday, January 8, 2010

Don't Let the Door...

Following yet another dismal season, the Seattle Seahawks have decided to blow the whole thing up.

In what appears to be a decision made within the last 24-48 hours, the Seahawks canned head coach Jim Mora Friday morning after just one year, and a 5-11 record.

Considering Mora gave a season ending press conference on Wednesday, the call to relieve Mora undoubtedly was made as other events are unfolding. Translation: Pete Carroll will be the introduced as the Hawks new head coach on Monday.

While Mora's firing comes as a surprise, it may have just been a case of expediting the inevitable. Despite their 5-11 record, the Hawks simply gave up on the football field on numerous occasions during the season.

Even on bad teams, you typically can single out a few bright spots on the roster. Not on the 2009 Seahawks. The offense sucked. The defense sucked. Special teams sucked.

The Hawks were so bad, that they couldn't even figure out how to lose enough games to get a top five draft pick. Fluke wins against Jacksonville and San Francisco were the only thing that prevented the Hawks from being a 3-win team.

And if you can honestly say that you're satisfied with a team that can only beat St. Louis and Detroit, then you might as well park yourself in front of a giant tube screen TV and spend the weekend watching "The Substitute 4: Failure Is Not An Option" on VHS.

Some will argue that Mora didn't get a fair shake. After all, former GM Tim Ruskell put together this crap roster, filled with overpriced free agents, washed up veterans and botched draft picks. Vince Lombardi couldn't have won with this team.

But it seems increasingly apparent that Mora talks a great game, and regularly fails to deliver. After getting the Atlanta Falcons within one win of a Super Bowl in 2004, Mora's teams have gone 20-28.

The disenchanted Seahawks fan base needed this firing. The organization had to fully break from the Mike Holmgren era. Bringing Mora in as Holmgren's heir apparent never made much sense.

It's like breaking up with a girlfriend, and keeping her younger, dysfunctional sister around for occasional hookups and awkward conversations. It might be fun a few times. But you quickly realize that you need to expunge yourself from the situation.

Give credit to Seahawks president Todd Leiweke who made the call to fire Mora. It was a bold decision to make. But one that will ultimately help bring the franchise back to respectability.

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