Thursday, January 22, 2009

You Only Live Once

Following the Obama love fest known as Inauguration, I partook in arguably the stupidest thing I've done in a long time.

Maybe it was my liberal juices in overdrive? I had also just ingested half an apple fritter and a peanut butter and jelly roll from Winchell's. The sugar possibly could have clouded my judgment.

So when I walked outside and a fellow Obama supporter asked me if I wanted to take a spin on his motor scooter, the only thing that came to my mind was, "you only live once".

The closet comparison to this motor scooter would be the one Harry and Lloyd drove to Aspen in Dumb and Dumber. Coincidentally enough, both motor scooters get 70 MPG.

After strapping on the bright yellow helmet, I proceeded to embark on a one block journey, featuring many fits and stops and frequent breaking with my right leg. Now my right hip feels like someone forced me to do this great party trick. Go figure!

I should have known better. I've been quick to judge Jay Williams, Kellen Winslow XXIV and Ben Roethlisberger for being idiots on motor bikes.

The moral of the story: while you do only live once, unless you're Jesus or Bobby Ewing, you also only die once.

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