Monday, January 19, 2009

We've Only Just Begun

This is really happening. It still seems too good to be true. Today's inauguration is a celebration for everything that's great in our country.

Soon to be president Obama is a global superstar. He's MJ post-Thriller, pre-Bad. We all know how that turned out. Luckily, Barack doesn't have a yearning for major reconstructive plastic surgery, zoo animals, or Jesus Juice.

Maybe this is my crazy lib side talking, but if this isn't inspiring, if this hisotric moment doesn't conjure up even the least bit of patriotism, then I must be more out of touch than I generally think I am.

On a sidenote: How pissed are the Skinheads right now? Seriously. It's great. This is the all-time fuck you to anyone who believes in "white supremacy". It's on par with Jake and Elwood driving through the Nazi parade in Blues Brothers.

For the first time in about eight years, I listened to Marvin Gaye's "Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holla)" and didn't feel like it applied to our current situation. In fact, I used to be amazed at how 40 years after it's recording, the entire "What's Going On?" album sadly continued to resonate. That's over now.

But for all the promise Obama brings, until anything changes - until people stop losing their jobs, their homes and their money, he is all hype.

Hype isn't such a bad thing. It's far better than an inaugural parade featuring Wilford Brimley, Heidi Montag and Daddy Yankee. Now that would just be a damn shame.

So for today, I'll take the hype. And I enthusiastically await to see what the next four years have in store.

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