Monday, November 24, 2008

Return to Queens Blvd

After spending seasons three and four recycling storylines, The Entourage needed a complete overhaul. And lucikly it got it (possibly because my dad was removed as executive producer). The HBO comedy came back for season five harder than an Ari Gold gay joke lobbed at Lloyd.

Sunday night's finale, Return to Queens Blvd, was a great bookend to what was arguably Entourage's most well rounded season.

For the first time in the show's history, viewers witnessed Vince going Naomi Campbell and launching a cell phone. Talk about refreshing. Even the obligatory Michael Phelps cameo came off well (good thinking not to give him any lines after his Rosetta Stone debacle).

Some could argue the ending was a little too easy, a little too Entourage-esque. Only on Entourage could Vince go from not even getting a reading, to landing a lead role in a Scorsese flick in the same episode.

Watching the final scene, I couldn't help but realize the finality of this great show. I'd be surprised if Entourage lasts more than another season or two. We saw Vince's rise to fame, followed by his fall. What happens after he rises again (how bout a spinoff featuring Turtle's mom wiretapping his phone sex convos with Meadow Soprano?)?

Regardless, Entourage has cemented itself as the ultimate male-buddy show. It's Sex and the City with testosterone and hotter chicks.

And that's a show worth supporting.

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