Monday, November 3, 2008

The Final Countdown

As I sit in the nation's capitol on the eve before the most important election of my lifetime (yes, even more important than the 2004 election, which used to be the most important election), my mind is teetering somewhere between sheer exuberance and sheer horror.

America is hurting. The last eight years have left us with a downtrodden economy, a depleted military and any number of embarrassments that have taken place in that span(I'll need a separate post to go into them). We're better than this. This isn't my America.

Whether you're a republican, democrat, libertarian, socialist, communist, elitist, or a maverick, you'd have to have your head so far up your ass to deem otherwise.

I often talk about what I would give to experience a professional sports championship (I really felt for those "tortured" Philly fans. Try being a Seattle sports fan). But a victory tomorrow night would be infinitely better than a title in Seattle. I'm talking a MJ, 1991 Finals winning reaction.

This is a win for my country. And nothing can top that.

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