Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Four Syllables to Save The Franchise

Now that the Mariners managerial version of "American Idol" is over, it seems like the new regime lead by GM Jack Zduriencik has one thing the organization hasn't had in over five years - a clear vision.

By naming Don Wakamatsu field manager, Zduriencik rebuffed the popular, politically correct choice in former fan favorite, Joey Cora, and stuck with who he deemed right for the job. This is the most important choice Zduriencik will make, so it's imperative that he gets what he wants in this situation.

For most M's fans like myself, Cora would have been a great first step at trying to smooth things over with a disenchanted fan base (Junior of course would be step two). Cora represents winning more than any other Mariners second baseman. The image of Cora crying after the M's got bounced after the 95 playoffs personifies Cora's devotion to winning. A team that just dropped 101 games could use some of that.

But there is a lot to be excited about with Wakamatsu. For the first time ever, the M's have decided to cherry pick from the organization that consistently outperforms them in every way on 1/3 the budget. Aside from Art Howe, anyone recently associated with the Oakland A's franchise is undoubtedly a cut above anything the Mariners have produced.

Wakamatsu's experience as a catcher also bodes well. Current MLB managers with catching experience include Mike Scioscia, Joe Torre and Joe Maddon. Not a bad group to join.

Wakamatsu also has a four syllable last name. Ron Gardenhire is the only other current MLB manager who can say that. So Wakamatsu has that going for him as well.

Zduriencik could have brought in a crony from his Brewers days like Ned Yost, or a retread like Bobby Valentine. That would have been the easy way out. He obviously sees something in Wakamatsu that's worth putting his GM career on the line for.

And that's something Mariners fans should get behind.

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