Thursday, September 4, 2008


With the anticipation of a Vin Diesel movie release, the team formerly known as the Seattle Supersonics, officially announced their long unofficial name - the Oklahoma City Thunder.

It's only fitting that a franchise owned by oil rednecks chose a name befitting of a WNBA team (most WNBA team names do not end with a "s"). Along with stealing Seattle's team, OKC also stole the Charlotte Bobcats colors. Wonder what they'll use as a mascot? Youppi?

But congrats should be offered to the OKC oil men. They got what they wanted. It's an absolute certainty now. Has been for a few days.

Because if you were enjoying Labor Day Weekend, you probably missed that former Sonics owner, Howard Schultz, sereptitiously dropped his lawsuit against Clay Bennett and Co. In a last minute attempt to save his coffee soiled rep, Schultz provided an inklining of hope that the Sonics could possibly come back. But as he did when he originally sold the team, Schutlz yet again screwed over the city. At least we can still enjoy those delightful Starbucks breakfast sandwhiches!

Possessing a baseball team poised to acheive the first 100-loss/$100 million payroll season, a college football team that will win 2-4 games and no NBA franchise, I think it's safe to say that Seattle, Washington is TitleTown USA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's going to hurt even worse when the NBA season starts. But look on the bright side... we still have the Seahawks.