Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The New Facebook

It's only fitting that on the night my beloved Facebook becomes "new", I dined over some great Chinese food with a couple whose combined age is 184. Fitting because right now I'm as confused about the new Facebook layout as they are about computers.

Facebook is a global brand. It's surpassed MySpace as the most popular social network on the planet. So why mess with a good thing?

Facebook claims they wanted to make the site clean and simple by reducing clutter. Personally, I'm overwhelmed by the new look. It's more cluttered than the Palin house. And why are my applications called boxes now?

This is like McDonald's deciding to put tofu patties in Big Macs. It's like when you find out that your friend Marvin isn't Marvin anymore. (S)he's Martha.

Now I'm sure Facebook's head honchos are convinced this will be a success. Remember the outrage when the Mini-Feed launched? After fixing some privacy concerns, that turned out to be a vital feature.

The New Facebook will definitely take some getting used to. And if all else fails, Facebook can always take the New Coke route.

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