Thursday, September 4, 2008

Election 2008: A Democrat's View - Part 1

A loyal reader sent this to me. It's my pleasure to pass it along.

This will be the most important election of my life.

Initially, I thought the stakes were on par with the two times W “won”. But after Wednesday night it became crystal clear. If my fellow citizens elect McCain/Palin, we are signing up for four more years.

I felt physically ill watching Rudy Guiliani and Sarah Palin address the hall Wednesday night. The negative speeches delivered with smiles, by both, were full of lies and served only to attack Obama/Biden/Democrats, not explain one single Republican plan.

Rudy proved Biden true by falling back on his crutch of 9/11, completely unable to sell his speech without fear mongering and reminding people of his moment.

In her speech, Palin showed no interest for the environment, the economically downtrodden, the uninsured and the underinsured, ending the war in Iraq in this lifetime, or an entire host of subjects that have been the focal point of this campaign and this country since she was elected Governor of Alaska. Her sharp attacks played well in front of the party. Yet her failure to address a single serious issue will hopefully not go unnoticed.

Bush/McCain/Palin promise everything and say you must surrender nothing. Balance the budget, but no taxes. End the dependence on foreign oil, but no need to fund alternative energy. Health care for all, but no government program. Protect civil liberties, civil rights, choice, equal protection under the law, but more Alito, Scalia, Thomas and Roberts on the bench.

After eight years, are we still buying this BS?

Barack Obama speaks of opportunity, but also of sacrifice. Under Obama, we will restore our standing around the world, attempt to balance the budget, rebuild infrastructure, curtail our dependence on foreign oil, get the troops home, insure our citizens and promote education.

But none of this will happen unless the American people are willing to make a few hard choices along the way.

We must end tax loopholes if we want to fund alternative energy. We must choose how to fund infrastructure repairs and health insurance. We must stop pretending that Social Security and Medicare are solvent and that we can stay in Iraq for 100 years.

Obama has brought a new generation of Americans into the political process. I hope that they speak truth to power and restore sanity in this election.

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