Wednesday, November 11, 2009

One More Year

Seattle's greatest sports icon is coming back. Again. For the second time.

Despite much speculation that Ken Griffey Jr. would come back for his 22nd big league season, nothing was certain until today when Junior and the Mariners agreed to another one-year contract.

Unlike last season when Atlanta tried to play grab ass with Griffey, the M's seemed like the only logical destination if Junior was interested in playing again.

Junior's 2009 season was a resounding success. His contributions on and off the field helped transform a franchise that was on the brink of becoming as insignificant as the Royals and the Pirates.

Generally sequels don't pan out (Ocean's 12 anyone?). But the circumstances surrounding this sequel are by and large far superior than a junk script that featured Julia Roberts playing a character who was posing as Julia Roberts.

Last year, Junior wasn't sure where, or if he would even be playing. And he made the most of his time off by indulging in his culinary interests.

Fresh off minor knee surgery, Griffey now has almost four full months to get himself into great shape for the 2010 season.

After watching Pay-Fraud win a World Series, Junior is most likely as hungry as he's ever been for the only accolade missing from his long list of accomplishments.

And if you think the M's are that far off from a World Series, think again. This team battled for 85 wins this year. GM Jack Zduriencik now has the entire off season and about $40 million that he didn't have last year to work his magic. If Jack Z can find a way to get 7-10 more wins from this team, then we're talking playoffs.

Considering Anaheim's pending roster overhaul with the possible departures of Vlad Guerrero, Chone Figgins and John Lackey, the playoffs don't seem so unlikely for the Mariners.

For all the dbags out there, bitching that Junior is taking up a roster spot, I offer the following - we're giving Carlos Silva a roster spot and an unlimited supply of Double Stuff Oreos. Last year, we wasted roster spots on guys like Yuniesky Betancourt and my heart belongs to the Ronny Cedeno.

It's not like the Mariners are taking Junior over Albert Pujols. Is there a better DH, pinch-hitting option available on the open market? Griffey showed pop, patience and infected the clubhouse with his care-free, fun-loving attitude.

There is absolutely no downside to bringing Junior back for another season. If you disagree, then you hate Seattle, hate baseball and probably hate America.

Finally, for all the other Griffey supporters out there, it has come to my attention that the Niketown in Seattle currently sports a giant picture of Roger Federer atop the building. Leave it to Seattle to feature a Swiss tennis star who has the personality of Audrina from "The Hills"to represent its city.

Federer needs to be replaced with Griffey. It's as simple as that.

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