Tuesday, July 14, 2009

UnHuman Nature

If you watched Michael Jackson's funeral extravaganza last week, then chances are you saw MJ's close, personal friend (pssst...they never met) John Mayer perform a guitar solo of MJ's classic cut from Thriller, "Human Nature".

Because Mayer didn't do enough emotional harm with "Daughters", he had to go along and show the world his orgasmic facial expression while plucking his guitar strings.

Driving in my car the other day, wanting to hear some mellow MJ, I put on "Human Nature". From the first note, I couldn't escape the images from Mayer's guitar solo.

He looked like Andy Samberg in the "Jizz in my Pants" video.

Now I give Mayer credit for compiling a nice list of Hollywood starlets to his dating history. But it's a damn shame he had to potentially make a great song unlistenable.

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