Monday, July 20, 2009

Not Your Superhero

Every professional sport is littered with athletes who hung on for a little too long. You cringe as you see them hobble through a statistically unremarkable final season. Ultimately, it doesn't tarnish their legacy. But those bad memories always lurk in the back of your mind.

Well the same thing happens to TV shows. And two episodes into its sixth season, it looks as if HBO's Entourage is limping around on worn down knees and a bad hamstring.

After recovering from subpar Seasons 3b and 4, Entourage came back strong with a great Season 5 that recaptured the show's original greatness. We'd seen Vinny Chase's star rise, then fall, then seemingly rise again with news that he'd been cast in Martin Scorsese's "Gatsby".

Realistically Entourage could have ended there.

Instead, viewers have been subjected to an hour's worth of a sappy relationship show. Gone are the days of extreme Bromance.

Now we're left to ponder how E went from a 10 with Sloan, to a 4.5 with the E.T. looking, stalker girl he's now decided to pursue. (I realize I shouldn't be so tough on looks. But the show is predicated on vanity. At least cast a hot actress. It's not like Sloan can act).

Entourage flat out sucks right now. Why is Lumbergh a regular cast member? What does he bring to the table? He might be a crappier character than Billy Walsh.

Maybe I'm a little harsh. After all, Entourage remains the only series I've continued to watch long after its premiere episode. I feel this odd maternal loyalty towards upholding its quality.

Ask yourself this - after these two trash episodes, have you laughed once?

Hopefully this is just a slight lull, eventually leading to an intriguing season arc. But for some reason, it seems like this is the year when everyone starts to cringe.

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