Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Say It Isn't Sosa!

Today's shocking news that Sammy Sosa tested positive for steroids in 2003 will surely set baseball back 10 years in its efforts to regain credibility. How can this be? Not Sammy Sosa, the congenial Cubbie who forgot how to speak english when he testified for congress about steroids in 2005. No!!!!

This is like finding out that Adam Lambert is gay! Oh, wait.

Sosa may have been the last highly suspected roider who hadn't been linked to any factual evidence until now. But everyone knew Sosa was as hooked on roids as Lamar Odom is on candy.

Pay-Fraud, Manny and Clemens all came as a surprise. But Sosa? C'mon.

And unlike the aforementioned trio, plus Barry Bonds, you can't even make the argument that Sosa would be a Hall of Famer without the steroids.

Sosa went a torrid home run binge between 1998 and 2001. Over that stretch, he accumulated 243 home runs, including three separate 60 home run season. Before that, he never hit more than 40 in a season.

Finding out for certain that Sosa tested positive for steroids is nothing more than a diversion from ESPN's love affair with Brett Favre's most recent comeback (Sample ESPN Bottom Line story - BREAKING NEWS: Chris Mortensen reports Brett Favre likes the color purple).

What would have been surprising is if Sosa had not tested positive.

And that reason alone makes this entire saga rather depressing.

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