Thursday, April 16, 2009


It keeps getting better.

Just when I think my sports euphoria can't get any higher, it does. I can't explain it. I don't understand it. But I'll tell you this much, I'm damn proud to be experiencing it and beyond grateful for the opportunity to watch my favorite athelete of all-time on a nightly basis.

Oh, I forgot to mention that my baseball team, the lowly Seattle Mariners - the team that lost 101 games with a $100 million dollar payroll in 2008, have been reborn as the most exciting team in the baseball. I keep asking myself this, and I'll ask it again - is this really happening?

I feel like Jim Belushi in "Mr. Destiny", when he realizes he's loaded, lives in a mansion and is married to a young Rene Russo.

Wednesday night's triumphant 11-3 stomping over the Angels will be regarded as one of the magical games, in what feels like a magical season.

The big story of course is Junior blasting his 400th career home run as a Mariner. What a moment. I'd like to give a shout out to myself for calling it. Here's how it went down:

Following Endy Chavez's game tying home run, I felt something in the air before Junior stepped to the plate. I turn to my game buddy and say, "Griffey is going back-to-back. I can feel it."

Sure enough, Junior goes yard. I go nuts. At one point while Junior was rounding the bases, I buried my head in my Snuggie in disbelief. It was that great (For the next 20 minutes, my phone was vibrating non-stop, kinda like...well I guess like a vibrator. Thanks to everyone who called/texted).

Much credit goes to new Mariners manager Don Wakamatsu. Not only does this guy throw you for a curve ball by being an Asian American with a southern drawl, but he manages a helluva game. Don Wak has the M's playing beautiful baseball.

Wakamatsu manages a game like I play MVP Baseball 2005. We're talking great defense, good pitching, speed, power and timely hitting. Put the runners in motion and do whatever it takes to win.

In the 7th inning, with the M's clinging to a 4-2 lead, Wakamatsu brought out the insufferable Miguel Batista. In typical fashion, Batista quickly coughed up two hits, giving the Angels a real chance with runners on second and thir with no outs. Wakamatsu had seen enough and he yanked Batista. Nine out of ten big league managers would have kept Batista in to at least let the opposing team tie the game. Not Don Wak. He's in it to win it. And win it they did.

After only giving up one run in the top of the 7th, the Mariners dropped a seven spot in the bottom half of the inning. Ichiballz, in his first game back since his bleeding ulcer landed him on the DL, lofted a Jason Bulger pitch into the right field stands.

So to recap, Tuesday night's game featured the following:

-More stellar managing by Don Wak
-Junior's 400th Mariners home run
-An Ichiballz grand slam
-Another phenomenal start from Jarrod Washburn
-Great relief pitching from everyone not named Miguel
-FGut doing his best Junior impression in center

But even with all these incredible things going on, I have to ask: why the hell were there only 18,000 people at The Safe on Opening Night? This isn't Pittsburgh.

If you live in Seattle, get your ass down to the ballpark. Support this team. Enjoy what they are doing and what they are going to do for this city. This is a special time. If you ignore it, you will miss out on something great.

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