Monday, April 14, 2008

Schultz to the Rescue?

Who knew Howard Schultz had this in him? After being Public Enemy Number One for nearly two years, Schultz has done a complete about face.

While this news doesn’t change the fact that Clay Bennett and his band of white trash rednecks seem hell bent on being men possessed and ditching a top media market for bumble fuck, it does give some hope when there appeared to be none left.

Sure, the idea of Schutlz jumping around the sidelines like a horny cheerleader doesn’t sound appealing (nor does Wally Walker running the team back into the ground), but anything is better than Bennett – even Schultz.

More to come later…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have a hard time believing that this goes anywhere. seems like he'll get some good PR for trying, but we won't get to keep our team.