Monday, June 16, 2008


Mariner Nation can now exhale. Bill Bavasi's five year reign of terror is over.

No more hoping for the best, knowing the worst will inevitably take place.

This firing truly should have happened following either the 04, 05, 06 and 07 season's. Every move Bavasi made was the wrong move. It takes a true inability to do one's job to accomplish such a dubious feat. What it really comes down to is Bavasi was never a good fit for the position.

After compiling the best winning percentage in the majors between 2000-2003, the Mariners desperately needed to add some youth to the roster. Their solution was to stay old and hire Bavasi to make them even older, crappier and more bland than ever.

Only one winning season later (a lucky one at that), and this franchise is in complete disarray. The hitters can't hit. The pitchers can't pitch. The fielders can't field. And the manager can't manage. Lest we forget, the farm system that has about as much to offer as Spencer from The Hills.

So one last time, let us purge ourselves from Bavasi's indiscretions and remember the following:
  • Giving away Carlos Guillen for two bags of sunflower seeds and a fungo bat
  • Signing Rich Aurillia
  • Signing Scott Spazio
  • Trading Freddy Garcia for a pair of L.A. Gear cleats
  • Hiring Mike Hargrove and giving him unlimited access to the food spread
  • Signing Richie Sexson
  • Signing Carl Everett
  • Drafting Jeff Clement, passing up Ryan Zimmerman, Ryan Braun, Jay Bruce, etc.
  • Signing Jarrod Washup
  • Drafting Brandon Morrow instead of Tim Lincecum
  • Trading Jamie Moyer for unlimited service to All-Star Auto Glass
  • Trading Rafael Soriano for HoRam
  • Trading for Jose Vidro, the worst DH ever
  • Signing Miguel Batista
  • Signing Jeff Weaver
  • Signing Carlos Silva
  • Signing Brad Wilkerson
  • Signing Kenji Johjima to a 3-year contract extension
There are surely more boneheaded moves Bavasi made. But I need a break while I slam my head in my car door. Repeatedly.

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