Monday, March 30, 2009

Forever In A Jail Cell

Back in 2002, when video surfaced depicting a man who looked very similar to R. Kelly giving a golden shower to a 13-year-old girl, radio stations throughout the country immediately pulled Kells music from their playlists. And while those same radio stations were quick to spin Kells records once he resumed recording better songs than, "Heaven I Need A Hug", at least they took a stand.

Fast forward to 2009. Another R&B star is embroiled in a nice little scandal. So after spending a weekend listening to terrestrial radio, I found myself appalled that radio stations continue to play Chris Brown songs.

There are some things I have absolutely zero tolerance for. Among those include people who beat up on women, people who beat up on kids and people who beat up on animals.

So why this little punk Chris Brown gets a pass is reprehensible. Technically, he's "innocent until proven guilty". But seriously. Everyone knows what he did. He knows what he did. If Brown didn't, he wouldn't have hired Mark Geragos (they guy who represented one of the all-time biggest pieces of shit, Scott Peterson) as his attorney.

Now people make mistakes in life. So I can see (could never personally understand) how a guy with a short fuse could lose it, hit his lady and immediately show remorse for doing so.

But what Chris Brown did to Rihanna is so far beyond that. He beat her bloody. And Brown clearly displayed no hesitation in continuing to pummel Rihanna after she enlisted her personal assistant to call 9-11.

We want this little rat boy's crappy music in our ears?

Something is seriously foul when the Dixie Chicks get chastised for speaking the absolute truth, but for so blatantly disrespecting women, Brown seemingly faces no repercussions from program directors across the country.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Like To Play Games

Lately I've been at a loss for words (not true, but what I'd like to write is probably not suitable reading material. So for fear of "Jumping The Shark", I'll keep it to myself).

But to keep the loyals entertained, I figured we could run a little contest and see what happens.

Just supply the best caption for the image below.

Winner gets an autographed Griffey picture, signed by ME!

Monday, March 9, 2009


After spending two weeks with no link to the outside world, I returned to my beloved Seattle only to find a far different city than the one I left.

Ken Griffey Jr. is a Mariner (tears in my eyes as I type that). The Washington Huskies Men's basketball team are Pac-10 Champs (tears in my dad's eyes). And the Seahawks signed T.J. Whosyourmomma (tears in the eyes of that crazy guy with the frizzy hair who slams his hands on the padding for the entire game in the south end zone seating area.

Back in November, Seattle's sports pulse was akin to Tony Soprano's after Uncle Junior popped him in the stomach. Things could not have been worse.

And it's not just about sports. Last Thursday's Raphael Saadiq concert at The Showbox exceeded my lofty expectations. (Although my attempt to record it on my phone turned into my first live album. Let's just say me singing, "The cutie pies they all think they can always l-a-y on my pillow" damn near ruins the song). The-Dream's new cd, "Love vs. Money" is the best R&B album to come out in years.

On TV, Big Love is winding up another polygamistly explosive season. Also, Breaking Bad (arguably the best show on TV), just kicked off its second season.

Yes, I'm completely glossing over the economic turmoil the world is embroiled in. But as I advocated in November, we're better off focusing on the positive.

Because even with all the crap going on, there are still plenty of things to make us smile.